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My Passwords

My Passwords

Manage Internet sites and software login info, PINs, keys, code words, CC nums

My Passwords is a secure, central repository for managing personal information for Internet sites, software licenses, and credit cards just to name a few uses. It has 16 data fields whose names can be changed by category to customize to your specific needs and style. One password can be used with the program to access all others. Provides one click linking to web sites and with auto data fill in and logon.

Program Name My Passwords
File Size (Bytes) 12732330
Release Date 2005-03-18
Price 24.95
License Shareware

Program Keywords: password, passwords, mypasswords, my passwords, web site management, personal information, credit cards, PIN, PINs, code, codes, key, keys, license key, license keys, license

Program Categories:Utilities

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